When disaster strikes, will you be ready to volunteer?

Jurisdictions throughout Maryland are working together as they plan and prepare for managing volunteers in times of disaster.

If you have a specific skill that you’d like to use as a disaster volunteer, now is the time to act.  Once disasters happen, it can be difficult for responding agencies to confirm that you have specialized skills.  Signing up with an agency before disaster happens will give you time to receive necessary trainings, credentials, and background checks to allow you to play a role in the response and recovery process.

If you are interested in volunteering after a disaster, many local jurisdictions provide orientations and trainings to familiarize you with plans for managing volunteers.

Following a disaster that effects the state of Maryland, this page will be updated with information to refer you to local volunteer efforts.

Please DO NOT self-deploy to assist local communities.  Be patient and wait for instructions from your local government.  This allows first responders to focus on critical needs and local leaders to identify and prioritize volunteer needs in a way that maximizes local resources.  Thank you!